Developing young leaders through domestic cultural exchange
Our Vision
America grows more culturally divided; geographically, socioeconomically, and digitally. Cross-cultural leaders can bridge these divides through friendships with people of different values, beliefs, and backgrounds. AYLX seeks to develop these leaders through a domestic homestay exchange that provides sustained exploration and immersion in American families and communities beyond their own.
Workshops & Coaching
American teens are empowered to become cultural ambassadors with communication workshops and personal coaches, preparing and guiding them through their new environments.
Domestic Cultural Exchange
American teens 14-18 years old pair-up 1-to-1 to live with each other’s families to explore America’s cultural diversity through the eyes of another American family. Exchanges are 3-weeks during the summer or during the fall or spring school semester.
Scholarship &
AYLX is a completely free scholarship program. AYLX covers travel expenses and awards a stipend to students who qualify.